It's about 45 minutes til showtime, so I'll get right to the point. I'll give you who I think WILL win and who I think SHOULD win. The only way to be fair though is to make my picks from films I've seen, so if I missed ya (sorry Dreamgirls, Blood Diamond, and Children of Men) so sorry, see ya at the party. (I'll put a DNS by the films I did not see).
Happy Feet
Monster House
Who will win:
CarsWho Should win:
Monster House. The funnest film of the three and not just for adults. My 4 year old agrees.
BEST ORIGINAL SONGAn Inconvenient Truth - "I Need to Wake Up"
Cars - "Our Town"
Dreamgirls - "Listen" DNS
Dreamgirls - "Love You I Do" DNS
Dreamgirls - "Patience" DNS
Who will win:
One of the Dreamgirls songs, probably ListenWho should win: I can't pick from the Dreamgirls trio so I'll pick
I Need to Wake Up. Even though it played over the credits, there were interesting environmental facts and tips that also ran, and the song made it more watchable.
The Good German DNS
Notes on a Scandal DNS
Pan's Labyrinth
The Queen
Who will win: Babel
Who Should win:
Babel. The score actually served the film and moved it along. The most memorable score of the three films I've seen.
BEST COSTUME DESIGNCurse of the Golden Flower DNS
The Devil Wears Prada
Dreamgirls DNS
Marie Antoinette
The Queen
Who Will win: Marie Antoinette
Who Should win:
Marie Antoinette. The Queen and Prada are too modern to stand out here. Marie Antoinette was stunning.
BEST VISUAL EFFECTSPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Superman Returns
Who Will Win: Pirates of the Caribbean
Who Should win:
Pirates of the Caribbean. Didn't really blow me away, but Superman was not as Super as it could have been and Poseidon just blows.
Blood Diamond DNS
Flags of Our Fathers
Letters From Iwo Jima
Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
Who will win: Letters From Iwo Jima
Who Should win: It's hard to seperate Letters and Flags, both were done by the same team. So here's another for
Pirates of the Caribbean.BEST SOUND MIXINGApocalypto DNS
Blood Diamond DNS
Dreamgirls DNS
Flags of Our Fathers
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Who will win: Dreamgirls
Who Should Win:
Flags of Our Fathers. The Musical will win, but of the two I've seen Flags had a better mix.
The Good Shepherd DNS
Pan's Labyrinth
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
The Prestige
Who Will Win: Pan's Labyrinth
Who Should Win: While I wish The Prestige could take home something,
Pan's Labyrinth is most deserving of this one.
Pan's Labyrinth
Who will Win: Pan's Labyrinth
Who Should Win:
Pan's Labyrinth. Hollywood's still mad at Mel and Click is Click.
Blood Diamond DNS
Children of Men DNS
The Departed
United 93
Who Will Win: Babel
Who Shoudl Win:
United 93. Incredibly skilled editing. The best in years.
An Inconvenient Truth
Iraq in Fragments DNS
Jesus Camp DNS
My Country, My Country DNS
Who Will Win: An Inconvenient Truth
Who Should Win:
An Inconvenient Truth. It's not the Presidency, but Hollywood loves Al Gore.
Children of Men DNS
The Departed
Little Children DNS
Notes on a Scandal DNS
Who Will Win: The Departed
Who Should Win:
The Departed. Well, It's flawed, but it's the only one I've seen here.
Letters From Iwo Jima
Little Miss Sunshine
Pan's Labyrinth
The Queen
Who Will Win: Little Miss Sunshine
Who Should Win:
Little Miss Sunshine. It gets honored here cause it ain't winning Best Picture.
Children of Men DNS
The Illusionist
Pan's Labyrinth
The Prestige
Who Will Win: Pan's Labyrinth
Who Should Win: This race is so close. I could give it to The Illusionist, but I'll ultimatly say
Pan's Labyrinth.FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILMAfter the Wedding - Denmark DNS
Days of Glory - Algeria DNS
The Lives of Others - Germany DNS
Pan's Lanyrinth - Mexico
Water - Canada DNS
Who Will Win: Pan's Labyrinth
Who Should Win:
Pan's Labyrinth. It could pick up the most Oscars tonight.
SUPPORTING ACTRESSAdiana Barraza - Babel
Cate Blanchett - Notes on a Scandal DNS
Abigail Breslin - Little Miss Sunshine
Jennifer Hudson - Dreamgirls DNS
Rinko Kikuchi - Babel
Who Will Win: Jennifer Hudson
Who Should Win: Hudson is out for me, haven't see Dreamgirls. So here's to
Adriana Barraza.SUPPORTING ACTORAlan Arkin - Little Miss Sunshine
Jackie Earle Haley - Little Children DNS
Djimon Hounsou - Blood Diamond DNS
Eddie Murphy - Dreamgirls DNS
Mark Wahlberg - The Departed
Who Will Win: Eddie Murphy
Who Should Win:
Mark Wahlberg. That's Marky Mark bitches!
BEST ACTRESSPenelope Cruz - Volver DNS
Judi Dench - Notes on a Scandal DNS
Helen Mirren - The Queen
Meryl Streep - The Devil Wears Prada
Kate Winslet - Little Children
Who Will Win: Helen Mirran
Who Should Win:
Helen Mirran. No doubt here. But will be The Queen's only trophy.
BEST ACTORLeonardo DiCaprio - Blood Diamond DNS
Ryan Gosling - Half Nelson
Peter O' Toole - Venus DNS
Will Smith - The Pursuit of Happyness DNS
Forest Whitaker - The Last King of Scotland DNS
Who Will Win: Forest Whitaker
Who Should Win: I abstain. I only saw Half Nelson here, and hated it.
BEST DIRECTORClint Eastwood - Letters From Iwo Jima
Stephen Frears - The Queen
Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu - Babel
Paul Greengrass - United 93
Martin Scorsese - The Departed
Who Will Win: Scorsese
Who Should Win: How can you not give it to
Scorsese? You could give it to
Paul Greengrass for brilliant work in United 93.
The Departed
Letters From Iwo Jima
Little Miss Sunshine
The Queen
Who Will Win: The Departed
Who Should Win:
The Departed.Here's how I rank them
1. Departed
2. Letters From Iwo Jima
3. Little Miss Sunshine
4. The Queen
5. Babel
Now to fire up the Tivo and see what happen tonight. Enjoy!