Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sprint to the Oscars - Half Nelson

One day to go as the Sneaky Cheetah valiantly tries to see every nominated film before the Academy Awards

Half Nelson
Nominated for Best Actor (Ryan Gosling)

Skip this one folks. It's a real stinker. That enough voters actually sat through this to give Ryan Gosling a nomination shocks me. His performance is what people call "understated." Which means he doesn't say much or show much emotion. He performance is actually ok, he makes great use of his eyes and body language, but is not great, or Oscar worthy. In fact this whole film is so "understated" and "nuanced" that it took me three sittings to get through it. And I have no idea what a half nelson is. Maybe it's poop. D

This is the first Oscar Nomination for Ryan Gosling, star of The Notebook. Hehe.

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