Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sprint to the Oscars - Marie Antionette

A tenacious Sneaky Cheetah knocks out one more film this afternoon during a snow storm!

Marie Antoinette
Nominated for Best Costumes

I'm somewhat torn by this film. On one hand it's a fresh angle on portraying 18th century royalty with humor and a modern spin in attitude and music, on the other it's overly long and features several amateurish montages that seem thrown in by whimsy. Using a New Age/Punk soundtrack was great, especially combined with the portrayal of the young royals as hard-partying rich kids completely out of touch with the people and country they are supposed to represent. Once the young Louis XVI becomes king, they drink, they gamble, there's even a scene of one royal lady doing coke. It contrasts with the ridiculous pomp and ceremony of Marie Antoinette's first year at Versailles. Of course the film takes a dark turn during the whole French Revolution thing, which is jarring after the frivolous first 3/4 of the story, though sadly it doesn't show Marie's eventual beheading at the guillotine. Kirsten Dunst is good and naked alot (bonus!). The costumes are incredible, definitely Oscar worthy. It also should have gotten an Art Direction nomination on the strength of the amazing food and chocolate shown throughout the film. It may have been overlooked since it was actually shot at Versailles, which couldn't have needed much more set decoration. B

The costume designer is the legendary Milena Canonero, winner of two Oscars in 1976's Barry Lyndon and 1982's Chariots of Fire, and nominated five other times for 1986's Out of Africa, 1989's Tucker: A Man and his Dream, 1991's Dick Tracy, 2000's Titus, and 2002's The Affair of the Necklace.

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