Nominated for Best Visual Effects

As for the viz effects, their OK. Not spectacular. The first few minutes of the film is a fly by of the Poseidon (the ship) that's total CGI and looks good. But the sinking of the ship is weak. You never get a sense of humongousness of the ship rolling over like you did on Titanic. And the rogue wave that swamps the ship is nowhere as impressive as the one on The Perfect Storm (ironically delivered by the same director, Wolfgang Petersen). No chance this takes an Oscar home. D
This is the seventh nomination for visual effects genius John Frazier, who won in 2005 for Spider-Man 2 and was nominated for Twister, Armageddon, The Perfect Storm, Pearl Harbor and Spider-Man. He shares the nomination with first time honorees Boyd Shermis, Kim Libreri, and Chas Jarrett.
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