Now, write a funny caption to this picture and post it as a comment below! Please! Someone!
Amature reviews of films, music, concerts, sports and other weird life experiences by a 32 year old former musician/bartender who took ten glorious years to graduate from the University of Louisiana - Lafayette and has moved to the DC area, wife in kid in tow, to work in television, make more babies, and occasionally spout some nonsense on this blog! My name is J!
Hey, Dude, How big is your Mom's butt?
How much do you love sausage?
Jared's imaginary Dixie Chicks sharing a hug.
I wrote the two above this as well.
Simon says - act like a tree.
...there's nobody else here you MUST be talkin ta me...
Traumatized as a child, the little brother from a "Christmas Story" still cannot put his arms down.
You shoulda seen the size of that fish's d!@k
I keep forgetting to put my name. I did all of em. I'm bored...
We represent the lollipop guild
Twinkle twinkle baby, twinkle twinkle.
Look, I'm Scott Stapp!
Cookie says "While taking a leak, I determined that the water is this deep"
how's that?
"YO YO, dey don't call me Lil John fo nutt'n! Bring it Foo, Sup Foo!
"Uh.........Jared.....why are you standing on that rock?......Are you high again?"
I am a GOLDEN GOD!!!!
That dude is so high he screwed up "I'm a little tea pot!"
Jared auditioning for a theatrical performance of "Nell".
Director: "Before you fall into the water say your line."
J: "Chicka, chicka, chickabee. / T'ee an me an t'ee an me. /Gesome sausage innme / Chicka, chicka, chickabee.
Whoops, that was me again,
All of this running water makes me hafta pee thiiissss much.
Chris Farley is alive!
I live in a van, DOWN BY THE RIVER!!
My wife wants to kick my ass, thiiiiiiiiiis much......
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