"And modeling our new line of plumber swimwear, here is Carl! Thank You, Carl!
Amature reviews of films, music, concerts, sports and other weird life experiences by a 32 year old former musician/bartender who took ten glorious years to graduate from the University of Louisiana - Lafayette and has moved to the DC area, wife in kid in tow, to work in television, make more babies, and occasionally spout some nonsense on this blog! My name is J!
And on the 7th day God, wait, that can't be right...
"If your happy and you know it CRACK a smile"
"Damn, I tripped! Is my mullet OK?"
Naked redneck mud wrestling goes horribly wrong.
Imagine the theme to "Chariots of Fire" and try not to laugh...
Hello...I'd like to 'ass' you a few questions.
Thank you for all your cooperation. By the way, do you have a mint or perhaps some banacca?
And here we see "Southern State-icus Redneckipus". It is identified by its tatoo-like pattern of color on the arms and the long, flowing mane (or mullet). Another rare marking is the watch on the left arm which rarely keeps the correct time. Poetry in motion.
"As a kid, I played one of the Oompah Loompahs in the Willy Wonka movie. I know I know, you thought they were all midgets. Watch, I'll prove it:
"Oompah Oompah doopidy doo I....crack? Oh, my bad"
*singing and dancing*
I'm just wild about ass crack and ass crack's wild about meeeeeee!!!
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