Wednesday, August 24, 2005

D.A. of the Month Award

Whenever my lil' ol hometown of Lutcher, Louisiana makes the news, it's gotta be because of some dumb-ass getting arrested. Here's the latest.

This is Corey Pittman. My senior year in high school, I played football with him. I was an offensive lineman and he was our starting running back. I also worked as a overnight stocker at Winn Dixie with him for two years. Well, after graduation, he became a Police Officer and last year got himself elected as the first black Cheif of Police in the history of Lutcher. Quite an accomplishment. He should get his picture in the paper. This picture is of Corey getting led away by FBI agents after selling some drugs to undercover FBI agents last week. And by some drugs I mean a SHIT-LOAD of drugs. Here's his shopping list:

30 grams of Cocaine

135 grams of Crack

40 Hydrocodone Tablets

That'll run you $5,200 if you can get it from the Chief. The Chief of Dumb-Asses. Gooooooo LUTCHER!

You can read the details here and here. ENJOY!

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