It shouldn't surprise me. My grandfather's been saying it for 70+ years. The saints get screwed by the refs. And this year, they also got screwed by the league and a beeyatch named Katrina. How many new ways can they find to lose. He's the scoop. The Saints are behind in the 4th quarter (SHOCKER!) and Aaron Brooks completes a pass to Ernie Conwell, above. Conwell falls on his back and then some Ram player grabs the ball out of his hands and runs to the endzone. No whistle had blown, so they give'em a touchdown! You gotta beF'ing kiding me! And they can't review it, cause the play started with over 2 minutes on the clock and the saints were out of timeouts. How retarded is the NFL replay policy?!?! Jim Haslett said all the right things after the game, probably cause he doesn't have another 20 G's lying around. But even the guys on ESPN said, "well the NFL can't fine us, so we say that was about the worst call we've EVER seen. " And it cost 'em the game. The Saints are the exact opposite of LSU. They NEVER get a break. And i'm losing interest in even pulling for these guys anymore. Maybe next year when Brooks and Haslett are gone. I may be back. But I'm done with the Saints. They may get screwed left and right, but I'm not going down with 'em! Go Redskins! (ugh)
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