Sunday, November 21, 2004

Future Home - Charleston, SC

Just got back from my second foray into freelance videography, the Miss South Carolina USA Pageant. It was held in Charleston and I fell in love with that city. It's an old city, very New Orleans-like. But without the ever-present piss smell (editor's note: To learn how a city gains a "piss-smell" read the previous post "One Hell of a Weekend in LA"). It's got history, ghost stories, an aircraft carrier, and an awesome hybrid downtown. By this I mean old look and feel, but then you'll see a Gap on the bottom floor of an old 6 story brownstone. You have to see it to get it. But it was instantly alluring. And we ate dinner at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Shack. I sat under the actual white suit from Forrest Gump. A very unique experience.
The weekend is a blur. Lack of sleep, cramped plane ride, Embassy Suits (the official hotel chain of The Sneaky Cheetah), Hooters, cute Israeli girl demonstrating head massaging thing, beer, and interviewing 145 of South Carolina's hottest 15-26 year old women. I've also discovered I've still got game. Let me explain.
Our video crew included 3 guys, one 40 years old, one 35 and me, 28. All married. But c'mon, it's impossible to not start flirting backstage at this thing. The ratio is 145 women to 6 men and two of those were gay (the host and the choreographer, of course)! It was frustrating at first because instead of knocking out these interviews (we try to interview all the girls for a customized official Miss SC DVD that they sell), B and T (40 and 35) were just flirting with 17 year old hotties. I was professional. My game was turned off. I began to wonder if I still had game at all anymore. I just celebrated my 3rd anniversary and Alanna and I were together for 5 years before that. My game was dusty and neglected. Like that cool shirt in the back off my closet that I won't throw away 'cause I swear I'll fit it again someday. So after we finished the interviews, we had a few hours before the show started. Hanging backstage, I began chatting with a few of the babes. And it came back! GAME! I was witty. I was funny. I'm overweight and my once signature cool hair is horribly thin now. But these girls were flirting with me. A few at a time, too! OK, they were under 21. So what. It felt good. Nothing was gonna come of it. Just harmless flirting. But I've still got a little game, and I'll keep it tucked away in a cozy, cool place. But I know it's there. g'night little game. g'night cheetah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feels good don't it, except for that whole not being able to use it and your wife not falling for it thing...
