Thursday, September 29, 2005

No Comment on LSU Loss!

I don't feel like talking about this. I stayed up til midnight watching that damn game, then had to leave for work at 3:45 am, and I was not in the best of moods. Then at work, we're showing damn highlights of the shit. I will not Post about LSU losses, only their victories, which they should have at least 8 more! GO TIGERS!

p.s. - If you loyal readers feel the need to vent your rage or grieve, go right ahead with your comments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howdy! Saw the reunion of Cheetah Sneaks a few weekends ago at Bob's Pub in Lafayette. (they sang with The Sugar Cookies) I think the vocalist was Brad Dugas, and we need more of his voice. FABULOUS!
Do you know if he has joined any other band?
By the way, I live in Lafayette now, but lived in Lutcher during elementary.
However, I am much older than you.
Hope you can help!