Friday, February 18, 2005


Let the record show that I am not a fan of horror movies. I want to be entertained by films and most of the time get a positive reaction from them and horror movies just don't do that for me. I haven't sat through the entirety of any Friday the 13ths or Nightmare on Elm Streets or Halloweens or Hellraisers. I don't watch any of the "new" horrors (the grudge, white noise), except for the Ring, which I though was ok. But I will enjoy a good horror comedy, like Army of Darkness. Shaun of the Dead isn't just the funniest horror comedy I've ever seen, it's also one the funniest films of 2004.
Shaun (Simon Pegg) is a Brit living a slacker existence, sharing an apartment (in britain it's a "flat") with two college buddies, working at a Circuir City type store where he, at age 29, is one of the oldest employees, and dragging his girlfriend, Liz, (Kate Ashfield) to the same bar (pub) every weekend. After Liz dumps him, he get's plastered at the pub. He's in such a daze the next day as he walks to the corner store he doesn't notice Zombies have taken over the streets and there's dead bodies everywhere. We are given no explanation of how this Zombie plague starts, that's not what this movie is about. It's about Shaun gaining some character and maturing enough to win back Liz. Shaun and his loser roomate Ed must fight off the zombies long enough to save Shaun's mom, Liz and her flatmates. Shaun and Ed are truly unfazed by the zombies. It's just one more thing in their way of their mission. There are some classic scenes, like when Shaun and Ed here on the news that Zombies heads are their weak spots, so they start chunking everyting in the living room at the 2 zombies in the backyard. Or when they try to sneak to the most secure place they can think of, the pub! As a kid, I always thought "give me a baseball bat and I could survive a zombie movie. Shaun proves my point, but uses a cricket bat.(bloody Brits).
The acting is suprisingly good for the "B-Movie" feel. This movie is described as a RomZomCom. A ROMantic ZOMbie COMedy. It will make you laugh out loud. Repeatedly. Your stomach will hurt. For those who are easily grossed out, there's only 1 scene that may offend you. Everyone should see this. It's smart, funny, and original, something all films wish they could be. The only thing keeping this from getting an A+ is the final scene of the film, which goes for the cheap, easy, and not very funny joke. You'll see what I mean.

The Sneaky Cheetah's grade: A

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