After landing in St Louis is was surprised that the boss had upgraded my rental and I was in a Chrysler 300. LOVED IT! Add the greatest collection of music ever assembled by man (located on my Ipod) and some GPS navigation, and that 3 hour drive through southern Missouri was almost fun. After visiting a Wal-Mart at midnight in Poplar Bluff, I think the 90 something Beauty Pageant contestants and their families raised the hotness level of that town by 3000% over the weekend. It was a hectic shoot, a lot of trouble shooting right up until show-time, and i was directing this weekend, which I love, but it means more headaches. As such (therefore) I had limited contact with the beauties. I didn't shoot the backstage footage, didn't ask them questions for interviews, and directed from the second level of a coliseum. I really didn't have any favorites going into the finals, but the winners were obvious. Add to that isolation a great book I just finished (The Man Who Heard Voices) and my laptop + Civilization IV, and I kinda kept my head down this weekend. I took a break to watch the Saints, what a waste. I'm blah.

AND St Louis Lambert Airport serves Boudin! At Josey Maroni's Sausage Kingdom! You think once I saw the name of that place on the airport map, that I didn't run there!
After spellchecking, I just realized I've been misspelling Missouri all weekend when labeling tapes.
Just picked up a new book at the airport, The Great Deluge (nonfic, of course, about Hurricane Katrina) by Douglas Brinkley. I met Brinkley once when I worked at C-Span, and worked an interview with him about a book he wrote on John Kerry. I was impressed by the man, and hold his work in high esteem.
Anyway, next weekend is off to Charleston South Carolina, a beautiful city that I barely see beacuse the airport, hotel and theater are within a mile of each other. Til then, thanks for your readership. I'll try to do better once I'm out of the Blahs. I think seeing my faminly tonight just might do it.