Monday, May 16, 2005


Well, I caught my first Washington Nationals game Sunday, when they beat my precious Cubbies 5-4. It was fun taking the Metro (that's the DC Subway for you country folk) to crappy, falling apart RFK Stadium (Home of the DC United!), walking past the hordes of bootleg merchandise venders outside the stadium, the 100 foot lines for a $7.50 Italian Sausage, grabbing a couple $6 beers (in a plastic bottle and yes, they're spectacular!) and sitting in the upper deck, straight away center field. About as far away from home plate as you can get. But we had a good view of Greg Maddux's pitching, and hey, how many future Hall of Famers have YOU seen pitch? Some of the people I was with had trouble naming even one Nationals player, but I bet they won't forget the name of that guy who hit that home run! Nats won, 5-4, scoring the go ahead run when the cubbies 2nd baseman booted a weak grounder. Funniest part of the game was when in the 5th, Maddux seemed to be in control, up 4-2, when he complained to the ump that the pitcher's mound was falling apart. In come the grounds crew to fix it up with their little rakes and shovels and pails. The crowd boos Maddux relentlessly. That must have bothered Mr. Cy Young, cause he walked Jose Guillen and gave up a 2 run bomb to Nick Johnson. (Hey, I didn't say I didn't know their names!) Then it took a good 2 hours to squeeze on the metro and ride it home, like a bunch of cattle stampedeing accross the long grassy prairie. RAWHIDE! I'm going to go try to find a Nick Johnson jersey on the net now. Go Gnats!

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